Raga Name: Vrindavani Sarang
Thaat Name: Kafi
Ascending: S R m P N S'
Descending: S' n P m R S
Main Phrase: R m, P R, m R , N S, m P n P m R N S
Vadi: R
Samvadi: P
In this raga, Gandhaar (G) and Dhivat (D) are not allowed (varjit). Rishabh (R) and Pancham (P) become more expressive with the help of Mandhyam (m) and Nishad (n).
To express this raga we must use the pairs, 'm--n' and 'R---P'.
Also, n--P and m---R is the key to explore the beauty of Vrindavani Sarang.
Main phrases such as 'P-mR', RmP--mR, mPn PmR, RmPnmPmR, will be used a lot in this raga.
In this raga, we use both the variations of Nishad (Ni), Shuddha Ni (N) and Komal Ni (n).
While ascending we use Shuddha Nishad and while descending we use komal Nishad.
This raga is mostly sung or played at afternoon.
Gat in Rupak (7 beat cycle):