Raga Name: Des
Thaat Name: Khamaj
Ascending: S R m P N S'
Descending: S' n D P m G R G N S
Vadi: R
Samvadi: P
Raga desh is the raga of the people. Ascending is like raga Vrindavani sarang which is, S R m P N S' and descending is S' n D P m G R S.
Because we have 5 notes while ascending and 7 notes while descending, its type (jaati) will be Audov-samporna(5-7).
While ascending we use Shuddha Nishad and while descending we use komal nishad.
Also, instead of descending like "S'nDP" we descend like "R'nDP", which expresses the core of the Raga Desh.
Phrases like 'Rm--GR' in purvang and 'Pn-DP' in uttrang are expressed in specific way.
'NSRm-GR RmPn-DP, mGR, GN -S, describes the whole raga.
While performing this raga we have to stop at Rishabh (R) many times. Time of the Raga is second part of night.
Gat in Rupak (7 beat cycle):